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The Benefits of EIFS Stucco Siding

EIFS or Extrusive Finish Fiberboards is a newer term gaining popularity over the past few years. This unique product type at has created an entirely new class of products to compete with the more established products such as stuccos and stones. There are benefits to using EIFS that may be surprising to some people who may not have been aware of these features. We will take a look at some of these benefits in this article.

eifs stucco

The main benefit to EIFS is that it can withstand high levels of water. Being an open cell structure, the material cannot close upon itself tightly, allowing any moisture to enter. As steam builds up, the material will start to expand until it reaches its breaking point. When this happens, it will no longer be a good idea to use EIFS because it can no longer prevent water from building up between the fiberglass mesh and the underlying skin. This can lead to structural damage that is difficult to repair.

Since EIFS is not composed of a rigid material, it can easily conform to the natural lines of the home’s exterior. This makes it an excellent choice for homeowners looking to avoid the use of traditional stucco on their walls. As the material forms and expands along with changes in weather and other conditions, it will form a smooth and seamless surface, providing a beautiful and durable surface for siding and exterior walls. In fact, it can even be used to create an interior wall if you are careful about how you build your structure.

If you have a stucco wall surface, EIFS will give you a number of benefits. For one, you will not need to use as much traditional stucco on your home’s exterior walls because it will more easily conform to the natural lines of the home. The material will also provide a smooth and sturdy surface. EIFS is also more environmentally friendly than traditional stuccos because there is no chemical-based processing used to create it. It also contains less volatile organic compounds than traditional stuccos, so it is better for the environment.

A second advantage to EIFS stucco insulation is that it can be installed on virtually any surface. Traditional stuccos cannot be installed on structures such as buildings with rounded corners because they will not seal well and may chip. However, the fiberglass particles in traditional studios are large enough that they can still be used on these types of structures.

EIFS is also an excellent material for the home’s exterior insulation because of its high R-value. This refers to the resistance to heat flow that the exterior insulation provides. An R-value is based on how fast the heat flow is, in degrees Fahrenheit. An R-value of zero indicates that the material will not trap heat; therefore, it is effective in reducing the amount of heat that is conducted through the material. A higher R-value means that the material is more effective in insulating a structure.

Because there is no mortar in EIFS, there is no need to use conventional mortar to build up the final surface. Therefore, the installation process is much easier than other types of stuccoing. In addition, EIFS is also highly attractive to the eye because it has a matte finish and its colors run right the way down the exterior walls. Traditional mortared masonry siding can have an unpolished look that can make the house look cold and harsh, which does not blend well with many home styles.

There are several disadvantages of EIFS over traditional stucco siding, however. The biggest problem is the moisture that it allows in the structure. Because of the way that EIFS is made, there is no way for water to get into the structure, so mold and other unwanted organic growths cannot develop there. Also, because of its smooth, matte finish, EIFS can look fuzzy if it becomes humid, but can remain strong and sound under normal conditions.
